I stand, fully in my power, as an intuitive development teacher and business coach who is passionate about business, coaching, and teaching others how to identify and fully embody their innate gifts and abilities to create an extraordinary life for themselves.
No more feeling lost, frustrated and confused. There are so many people offering services with greed, narcissistic entitlement or a lack of empathy. Sorry, but we are all interconnected in this web of life. So, I know better than to hurt my soul aligned clients: my brothers and sisters.
Are you sick and tired of feeling like you just can’t trust anyone to walk with you on your personal healing journey that will get you on the right track?
Well, I was that person once and sometimes it is more about learning to get advise from someone who has already walked that tough road that you are walking down now. It’s about meeting the right person with the right amount of empathy, compassion and experience to help you out.
If you understand and relate to this, you just may be destined to be here.

Who I Help and Why I do it
I don’t teach intuitive development and business just for money or because it satisfies my “spiritual ego”. Nor am I trying to use shady manipulative tactics to prey on people who are truly broken. Hell no, my mission is to get intuitive healers in their divine masculine energy, ready to own their autonomy and be their best boss self in their business. This is my passion, my duty, the damn air I breathe, and a way of life for me.
My Story
I was born with an auto-immune disease that plagued me nearly every day of my life from the time I was born. I suffered so many physical health symptoms it brings tears to my eyes to write this: Candida, Fibromyalgia, Restless leg syndrome, Chronic Bronchitis, Skin Problems, Chronic Chest Pain (from a Car Accident), Chronic neck pain, Indigestion, Acid Reflux, Covid (Caught at least 3 times) the list actually goes on. You get the point. I’ve been a hot mess. However, I never stopped seeking for cures, healers and solutions. I just took my healing day by day and learned a whole lot about plant medicine and shamanism in the process…curing my illnesses one step at a time as they arose.
One of Grandmothers was a Lakota Sioux descendant who inspired me to become a spirit animal artist. I did that for about 5 years, while I also gave people hypnotherapy sessions so others could witness, for themselves, their spirit animals. However, the shipping and handling with the art in combination with my health issues was too much for me to handle. I also learned that those sessions that I was charging $60 for, just wasn’t going to pay the bills even though I had a high success rate.
I was badly and daily abused by nearly every single man in my family. As a result, I went mute for years, had no idea how to speak up for myself and I got stuck in codependent relationships with narcissists over and over again. It was tough and I left home way too young. I just remember having to surrender to the fact that I just couldn’t do this lifetime on my own. I needed to push my ego aside because I couldn’t allow myself to get hurt again. I invested every single penny I had to different business that were charging thousands for their services so I would not only learn to depend on myself… but so I can inspire others to do the same.
If any of this resonated with you, please feel free to check out one of my freebies and training options. Praying for a better World, one day at a time.
Kimmera Pixie
My Background
Although, I have done a significant amount of online training on psychic development and shamanism (more than 10 teachers), I have also received proper hands-on mediumship and psychic development training from Jeaux Barlett (www.alightintuition.com) and shamanic training from Shaman Josh Cranford (www.reddragonhealing.com). Last, I invested all of my savings into multiple high-ticket business programs so I can give my clients the most premium 1:1 coaching experiences.Â
Meet Sylvie

Intuitive Coach and Business Partner
Sylvie is an incredibly gifted psychic and medium with many years of experience accurately reading people online. She is also the niece of one of the World’s most famous psychic’s who ever lived, Sylvia Brown.
Her whole life has been dedicated to utilizing her extraordinary gifts of mediumship and channeling to help others. She is one of the rare psychics that does not need to rely on cards to do readings because she gets very direct messages from spirit. Although, she uses the cards as an aid to make readings a bit easier.
She is one of the Coaches within the Gold Dragon Shamanic Apprenticeship Program here to support you on your journey so you can live a soul aligned path.
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